I’ve been working at my company for 23 years, and for most of that time as the only Christian in the workplace and so sourced my workplace support via Chaplaincy Plus in Birmingham but always wished to be able to set up a small group in our company.
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The second Christians in the Workplace Conference was held on Saturday March 1st 2025 at the Jaguar Landrover (JLR) Gaydon facility with about 240 attendees, up from 160 last year.
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Godspot is a monthly thought for reflection and prayer brought to us by Transform Work Ambassador Andy Smith taken from his monthly recordings with UCB radio.
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Can you spare £10 a month to help us achieve our vision of 1000 workplace groups in the UK?
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Have you ever heard of "Workplace Ministry" in a church? Or wondered what it looks like in action? Let me help you understand.
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Godspot is a monthly thought for reflection and prayer brought to us by Transform Work Ambassador Andy Smith taken from his monthly recordings with UCB radio.
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Transform Work is thrilled to be working alongside The Business Connection, Solas and Thrive Scotland to inspire and empower workplace Christians through a concentrated two weeks of connecting, and equipping through Thrive25.
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Where better to shine your light this Christmas than in your workplace? A number of Christian Workplace Groups are planning to take part in this initiative, why not join them?
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Transform Work has been promoting our Faith Literacy materials to members of Christian Workplace Groups, ahead of Interfaith Week.
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Join the midday sector prayer meetings lead by many of our Christian Professional and Sector Group leaders.
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Transform Work have partnered with our Associate Anne de Lyser from Local Houses of Prayer (LHOP) to bring you a framework she developed for speaking blessings over your workplace or sphere of influence.
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Have a listen to Transform Work Ambassador Andy Smith share his powerful story with UCB2 presenter Matt Brown about how God healed his son.
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Transform Work attended David’s Tent, a Christian festival at Charlton Park, Wiltshire. This is a review of how the weekend went.
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Meet some of the talented new people who are joing the Transform Work team.
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Transform Work and Local Houses of Prayer are working in partnership to bring you a brand new resource to help you in the workplace.
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During his entire career, he was an active member of Christian Workplace Groups. In 2016, after a talk by TransformWork, he felt challenged to pursue formal recognition of the Christian Workplace Groups within....
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If you are a financial supporter of Transform Work you will hopefully have received a hard copy of our Annual Report and we are excited to present it to you again here.
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Watch the presentations from our 2024 Annual General Meeting.
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Listen to Joy share her experience of connecting with Transform Work and how it affected her workplace experience.
Meet our Scottish Lead Ambassador
Don't give up the habit of meeting together. There are many ways Christians can continue to 'meet' - Christian connection and a Christian presence are two key aspects for Christian Workplace Group survival and impact.
I am excited to announce details of our week of prayer to kick off Lent, starting on Monday 12 Feb. The theme will be ‘stretch’, based on three scriptures that God has impressed on us as we have begun praying into this new year.
Do you live in Scotland and are you passionate about Jesus and making him known in the workplace? Could you be our new Scottish Lead Ambassador?
What an exciting year it was from 2022 to 2023 for Transform Work and there is lots to look forward to in 2023/2024.
Do you live in Scotland and are you passionate about Jesus and making him known in the workplace? Could you be our new Scottish Lead Ambassador?
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).
Come and join us on Saturday 30th September, 1:30-4:30pm on the site of the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer. Coleshill, Midlands.
So many great stories from Paul in this interview. God totally led him from his studies to his career to winning the competition to be the architect for this amazing God ordained project.
For Advent 2023 we will have 3 x 45 min early evening zoom prayer meetings spread out during the week beginning 27 November.
Come and join us on Saturday 30th September, 1:30-4:30pm on the site of the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer. Coleshill, Midlands.
This is a great opportunity to get conversations started simply by wearing your T shirt to work or church. Our Ambassadors have already reported that people have asked them about the T shirt when they are wearing it.
As leaders of Christian workplace mission organisations we unite to serve our Heavenly Father in the workplaces of the United Kingdom and the nations.
A word from the Chair of the Board of Transform Work who was able to join the Working Party.
Delegates from pharma, education, health, local government and business went to Ffald Y Brenin for a weekend of prayer and worship. Read on to see what happened.
Periodically have open meetings where the format and content is designed for people who are new to the group,
On Monday 16th January 2023, faith representatives from Thames Water, OVO Energy, Rolls-Royce met at the University of Derby Multi-Faith Centre (MFC).
We had such a great time at the Faith Literacy launch day last week. What an opportunity for Christians to engage with their HR departments and run a course to explain the Christian faith for all staff.
Deadline is extended to April 13th! Please take a couple of minutes to fill out the survey and please also send to the members of your groups.
Happy New Year from all of us Transform Work. Feeling tired or anxious about the work that lies ahead? Read on for some New Year encouragement.
It's the season to be jolly, but for many of us that will be quite a challenge. The last two years have been draining and the pandemic has left a lot of people physically and mentally exhausted.
If you missed our AGM don't worry, here's some catch up videos with all the details.
Come and join us for a day of prayer and fasting in person or online on 23rd November as we enter the season of advent.
Have a read of Thy Kingdom Comes annual report, Transform Work is featured on page 16.
Faith networks are often badly supported or missing completely from an organisation's Diversity policy! Here's our response...
If you have a passion to support Christians on the front line of mission -why not join our Ambassador Team. Here's Andrew on why he joined and stayed!
An introduction to Wisdom 4 Work by Pastor Femi Idowu. If you want to act and pray effectively at work, step 1 is knowing what to do by receiving insights from the Word of God. Join Femi on this journey of growing in Wisdom For Work.
What we have seen in Transform Work both with the individual workplace groups and the sector groups has been an incredible God-given resilience
So how has your group gone this year? The highs the lows, why don't you have one last group chat and share. It is a great practice to stop and reflect. Below is a short report one group from the Oxfordshire County Council Christian Network Group:
Our prayer for each and every one of you is that we could continue to be a counter-cultural light in an increasingly gloomy working climate where we hold firmly to the word of life (Phil 2:15-16). The best time to shine is when it’s dark!
Thinking of starting a Christian Workplace eGroup? Here's a short guide to the first steps to take.
Meet Ofonimeh Umoh Abudu, Trustee and Director, who starts of with a few lines of Joy to the Lord and then shares her heart passion for all workplace Christians this Christmas time.
Julian Shellard, Chair of the Board, shares a thought this Christmas time.
Jesus said, YOU are the light of the world... Jonathan's new book, Vision of Lights, will inspire and encourage you as a Christian in your place of work.
Joe Clease is a civil servant, who also volunteers for Christians in Government (CIG) and specialises in diversity policy work. Come find out more from him on our zoom call.
How Christians in the workplace are doing amazing things, while approaching Transform Work for help to take further their activities for God.
Why does Transform Work matter? Well here's six 'distinctives' and how we can choose to respond
by Noel Robinson and Lou Fellingham
Why your workplace needs laughter
The second meeting of CWG leaders in Rugby was twice the size of the last one 12 months ago! As testimony after testimony was spoken out – faith rose in the room and ideas were shared.
Transform Work now supports over 500 groups in the UK, but we believe that God is challenging us to a much wider vision, and we have been listening to where He is leading us.
Transform Work Impact Survey Results
Transform Work now supports over 500 groups in the UK, but we believe that God is challenging us to a much wider vision, and we have been listening to where He is leading us.
A word in season from Julian Shellard, Chair of Transform Work UK.
The recent coronavirus pandemic has placed much strain on all of our lives, including those
people working in the funeral and bereavement sector.
British Airways Christian Fellowship, encourages all members to surrender more to Jesus
Thanks to our London Heathrow Chaplain, Steve Buckeridge for providing the below suggestions from a Biblical standpoint.
Christian Council Staff Network are reaching out virtually using their intranet page
Our brother Raffaele from Transform Work Italy shares about life with the Coronavirus. Lets keep praying.
Ros interviews Nick Shepherd, who is the Programme Director for Setting God's People Free for the Church of England.
Just in case you missed it at Christmas, we are so excited to tell you about Transform Work Italy and our growing connections into Europe and beyond.
This article talks about the impact the book has had on Christian Workplace Groups.
An article by Rupert Bobrowicz who previously worked for HM Passport Office.
Good news update from Steve Matthews, Liverpool Ambassador. Watch videos of council employees sharing about their workplace group activities.
We are at a significant time in our Nation as the United Kingdom prepares to leave the European Union. Christians in Government believe that Christians can play their part in joining together in prayer across the UK for the UK.
One of our key objectives at Transform Work UK is to connect workplace Christians to share good practice. This is why our regional networking events are so important for us
Elizabeth recently visited the Alliance of Town and City Chaplaincies where she heard first hand of the work of Chaplaincies in workplaces across the country
Elizabeth's report from TWUK's attendance at Kingdom Connections' 4th annual conference, which drew together Christians from many different backgrounds
Ros tells some of the stories of what God is doing in workplaces that came up during a recent workshop in Crosby, Liverpool
Femi Idowu, Transform Work Ambassador, explained the benefits a Christian Workplace Group can offer an employer when he visited Hackney Council.
The Transform Work UK AGM and Celebration in London on 26th February was an uplifting event attended by over 50 people in which we celebrated the goodness of the Lord in the work of TWUK last year
Learning at Work Week (13th-19th May) is an excellent opportunity for a CWG to explain the Christian Faith within a company. The CWG at Thames Water are looking forward to getting involved again this year
Steve Matthews, Liverpool ambassador, shares some experiences of his group leadership's bi-annual meeting with their personnel manager, and how they received encouragement and new ideas for what they could do
Liverpool Ambassador Steve Matthews relates the story of how an attendee at a recent Transform Work UK workshop was encouraged to take steps to contact other Christians at her workplace, and the wonderful response she received
Our ambassador in the Bedford area - Adrian Holloway - describes the Transform Work UK workshop/networking event held in the area, and includes some tips relevant to all newly started Christian Workplace Groups
We welcome Mal Shaw who has recently joined us as an ambassador in the Gloucester area
A booklet prepared by the Church of England with some great ideas for how church leaders can equip and encourage their members who are in the workplace
Tim Davis of accountancy firm Ernst and Young talks about the value of the Christian Workplace Group to him personally
Results of a survey conducted in August 2017 asking how Transform Work UK has helped CWG leaders the most, and what are felt to be the greatest needs of Christians at the workplace
After working with TWUK for a number of years, Jeff Steady has stepped down as Chair of TWUK to enjoy a well-earned retirement, and Trevor Payne has taken over as Chair
Mal and Marion (from Phoenix Assurance and Superdry CWGs) attended TWUK's annual conference in 2016 and were inspired to hold a networking event in Gloucestershire to encourage local Christians to start CWGs
Lee, of the Christians in the Royal Bank of Scotland Christian Workplace Group, talks to Ros about his story of coming to know Jesus, what the Christian Workplace Group means to him, and of the group's plans for Easter.
Feedback from the carol service at Accenture reminds us of how valuable such events are in the workplace, and how much they are appreciated
Some personnel changes in TWUK - Michael Coveney leaves, Femi Idowu and Joe Walsh join as lead ambassadors
The PM's endorsement of the recent report 'Speak Up', discussing Christians' freedom to talk about the gospel in the workplace, is an encouragement to us all!
News of a highly successful Transform Work UK networking event in Derby.
How the Wiltshire Council Christian Workplace Group altered their meeting format in response to changes in working patterns which were affecting attendance at their group and saw numbers multiply by five!
Things a Christian Workplace Group can do that make it really relevant to the organisation
Sometimes Christian Workplace Group leaders can feel isolated, it may feel like there is no-one to turn to, to encourage and support you in developing a growing CWG. But what about other CWG leaders in your area?
Are you waiting for God to tell you where He wants you to serve Him? Could it be that God is calling you to serve Him right where you are?
The story of how TWUK have been able to help a group to start in a public sector organisation in the West Midlands
The work of encouraging one another and showing others the grace of Christ stretches beyond borders... this time to Northern Ireland.
Ros visits Ipswich and hears a founder member of Christian Central challenge others about living for God at the workplace
Ros is now working with LICC's Work Forum 2 days a week. News of their new course: 'Transforming Work'
The leader of a group of Christians in government offices in Leeds tells of putting on an event in the workplace for the first time last Christmas
A helpful guide covering things to consider when developing a case for formal recognition of a Christian Workplace Group as an employee staff network
Starting a choir can be an excellent way to have fun and meet new people, and introduce the Christian faith in a gentle way
How God can prompt us to action, and then make further connections which can have remarkable consequences.
Even a 'goodbye' e-mail can give an opportunity for witness, as this CWG leader told us.
Hannah, who leads a Christian group in a large company in London, tells us on video about Easter events that have been held in the company
The formation, growth and impact of the Cambridge Christian Professionals Network