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                       Anne de Lyser

Transform Work have partnered with our Associate Anne de Lyser from Local Houses of Prayer (LHOP) to bring you a framework she developed for speaking blessings over your workplace or sphere of influence.

We commend to you our practice of speaking blessings into your local workplaces. 

You may like to use the following as a framework and adapt it to your own place of work, sector or business community. There are 6 blessings, first a general blessing for the workplace, followed by blessings for various spheres. Feel free to use these as a base and to customise a blessing for your own workplace context!

(The text for each is written below, or you can also access print-at-home PDFs if you prefer)

  1. Blessing for Transforming the Workplace (download PDF)

  2. Blessing for the Arts & Music (download PDF)

  3. Blessing for Businesses (download PDF)

  4. Blessings for Education (download PDF)

  5. Blessing for Government (download PDF)

  6. Blessing for Healthcare (download PDF)

Christian Professional Sector


We commend to you our practice of speaking blessings into our local workplaces.  You may like to use the following as a framework and adapt to your own place of work, sector or business community.

Heavenly Father, we take upon ourselves the mantle of authority that Jesus delegates to His disciples and in His Name, we speak to all those who work here and we say: 

We bless the relationships in this workplace. We bless the relationships between employees and their fellow workers, between employees and their line managers, between line managers and their directors between directors and their trustees/boards. We bless these relationships to be strong and whole, that these relationships would be full of trust, forgiving, merciful and strong, that they would be healthy and respectful of one another.

In Jesus’ name we bless every network of wholesome and supportive friendships in the workplace and between sectors and businesses between customers and suppliers.

We bless the physical health and mental wellbeing of colleagues, that they may be strong and healthy. In Jesus’ name we resist any sickness, disease or physical accident which seeks to invade the business, and we say, be well, be strong, be healthy. To any who are sick or injured right now we say we bless you in Jesus’ name with a speedy recovery 

We bless every wholesome enterprise that is conducted by you that it may prosper and be successful. We bless everyone in their place of work with creativity, innovation and divine blueprints.  We bless the businesses that they would generate good revenue and profit which will multiply and replace any poverty. We bless the supply chain that they would be able to deliver materials and services of quality and in a timely way. We bless the customers to have enough to live and enough to give. 

We bless this region/area with creative entrepreneurs with new ideas who will be used to create new opportunities and generate new businesses. We bless our leaders with integrity and the fear of the Lord, that they would recognise that their success is not their own doing but comes from you Lord. We bless them with Your wisdom, mercy and justice as they are called to lead. We bless them to be generous and caring, seeking the wellbeing and prosperity of all, and thereby creating a happy and harmonious working environment where trust and joy are at the heart of the community. 

We speak to our brothers and sisters in their respective vocations, and we say we bless you in the name of the Lord that the Holy Spirit and the word of God may flow out from you in power. That you would know the presence of the Lord with you leading and guiding you as you live out the Lord’s calling on your lives. Be filled with the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control), that you would reflect the Lord in your attitude and behaviour. We bless you with success in all that you do, that you would receive the favour of Daniel and Joseph, Ruth and Esther…and Jabez!! We bless you with opportunities to share your faith in safety and confidence (‘I am not ashamed of the Gospel…’) and protect you from harm. 

We bless the Christian workplace groups, Christian professional and sector groups and Christian workplace ministries. We bless them with divine wisdom as they connect with those leading on diversity and dnclusion, and ultimately, they would speak into being Your Kingdom into their place of work. We bless those Christians in all spheres of influence, in the medical, media, education, industry, service, finance, agriculture and technology sectors. 



Heavenly Father, we take upon ourselves the mantle of authority that Jesus delegates to His disciples and in His Name, we speak to this business/place of work, and we say:

We bless the relationships between you and your fellow workers; between you and your arts and music peers; agents, gallery owners, music producers, conductors, editors, publishers, events and stage managers and fellow cast members.  We bless the relationships to be strong and whole, that they would be loving, forgiving, merciful and strong, that they would be healthy and respectful of one another. We bless all who live and work there that the blessings of the Presence of the Kingdom of God may fall upon you……

In Jesus’ name we bless every network of wholesome and supportive friendships and between each of the arts and music sectors. 

We bless those who work on their own, happy in their solitude and in their studios or in the beauty of nature. We bless their health and wellbeing including assurance of warmth, that they may be strong and healthy. In Jesus’ Name we resist any sickness, disease or accident which seeks to invade their creativity and sustainability.  We say, be well, be strong, be healthy. To any who are sick or injured or suffering from stress or mental health right now we say we bless you in Jesus’ Name with a speedy recovery. In Jesus’ Name we resist any sickness, disease, mental health and stress..….

We bless every wholesome creative expression whether it be the arts, crafts, music or other expression that is conducted by you that it may prosper and be successful. We bless this enterprise that it would generate a good return which will multiply and replace any poverty. We bless the work of everyone’s hands that whatever you turn your hand to which is wholesome may be profitable. We bless those involved in the supply chain that they would be able to deliver materials and services of quality and in a timely way. We bless the clients that they may be valued and served well……

We bless you with divine strategies and solutions. We bless you with creativity and new ideas which may be used to create new opportunities and that will generate new sources of income….

We bless national and local government leaders and decision-makers with integrity and the fear of the Lord. We bless them with Wisdom, Mercy and Justice as they are called to lead and develop policies which will have lasting consequences. We bless patrons, funders, sponsors and donors that their hearts to be generous and caring, seeking the wellbeing and prosperity of all, and thereby creating a happy and harmonious working environment where trust and joy is at the heart of the expression. May they in turn be blessed with understanding of the true values of the arts….not merely recreation/decoration/kids activities….but touching souls and moving hearts…. 

We speak to our brothers and sisters in their respective vocations in the creative workspaces, and we say we bless you in the Name of the Lord that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God may flow out from you in power. That you would know the Presence of the Lord with you leading and guiding you as you live out the Lord’s calling in your workspace. We bless those in the music sphere with the release of Kingdom sounds, which will change the atmosphere and usher in His Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. We bless you to be filled with the Fruits of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control), that you would reflect the Lord in your attitude and behaviour. We Bless you with success in all that you do, that you would receive the favour of Daniel and Joseph, Ruth and Esther….and Jabez!...... 

We bless the Christian Workplace Groups, Christian Professional and Sector Groups and Christian Workplace Ministries. We bless them with divine wisdom as they connect with those leading on Diversity and Inclusion, and that they would speak Your Kingdom values into their place of work. We bless those Christians in all spheres of influence, in the: Health; Media; Education; Government, Industry; Service; Finance, Agriculture, Technology, Sports, Arts and Culture and all other sectors. May we learn together as we seek to see breakthrough in our respective workspaces….

connect office buildings


Heavenly Father, we take upon ourselves the mantle of authority that Jesus delegates to His disciples and in His Name, we speak to this business/place of work, and we say:

We bless the relationships between you and your fellow workers; between you and your line managers, between your line managers and your directors; between your Directors and their Trustees/Boards. We bless the relationships to be strong and whole, that they would be loving, forgiving, merciful and strong, that they would be healthy and respectful of one another. We bless all who live and work here that the blessings of the Presence of the Kingdom of God may fall upon you……

In Jesus’ name we bless every network of wholesome and supportive friendships and between this business and other businesses in the sector. We bless those placed to provide support and encouragement (including coaches, consultants and mentors) to leaders, influencers and their organisations with divine discernment as they carry mantles of peace, innovation and reconciliation. We bless them with protection and courage as they seek to encourage and enlighten. May they find their place, and take their place, standing in their God given authority for such a time as this. We bless both the local and global supply chains that they would be strong and reliable and work effectively and efficiently…

We bless the health and wellbeing of work colleagues, that they may be strong and healthy. In Jesus’ Name we resist any sickness, disease or accident which seeks to invade the business, and we say, be well, be strong, be healthy. To any who are sick or injured or suffering from stress or mental health right now we say we bless you in Jesus’ Name with a speedy recovery. In Jesus’ Name we resist any sickness, disease, mental health and stress..….

We bless every wholesome enterprise that is conducted by you that it may prosper and be successful. We bless this business that it would generate a good return which will multiply and replace any poverty. We bless the work of everyone’s hands that whatever you turn your hand to which is wholesome may be profitable. We bless those involved in the supply chain that they would be able to deliver materials and services of quality and in a timely way. We bless the customers that they may be valued and served well……

We bless you with divine strategies and solutions. We bless you with creativity and new ideas which may be used to create new opportunities and that will generate new business….

We bless our leaders with integrity and the fear of the Lord. We bless them with Wisdom, Mercy and Justice as they are called to lead. We bless their hearts to be generous and caring, seeking the wellbeing and prosperity of all, and thereby creating a happy and harmonious working environment where trust and joy is at the heart of the workplace…. 

We speak to our brothers and sisters in their respective vocations in the workplace, and we say we bless you in the Name of the Lord that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God may flow out from you in power and that you will be ambassadors of His love and grace. That you would know the Presence of the Lord with you leading and guiding you as you live out the Lord’s calling in your workplace. We bless you to be filled with the Fruits of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control), that you would reflect the Lord in your attitude and behaviour. We bless you with success in all that you do, that you would receive the favour of Daniel and Joseph, Ruth and Esther….and Jabez!...... 

We bless the Christian Workplace Groups, Christian Professional and Sector Groups and Christian Workplace Ministries. We bless them with divine wisdom as they connect with those leading on Diversity and Inclusion, and that they would speak Your Kingdom values into their place of work. We bless those Christians in all spheres of influence, in the: Health; Media; Education; Government, Industry; Service; Finance, Agriculture, Technology, Sports, Arts and Culture and all other sectors. May we learn together as we seek to see breakthrough in our respective workplaces….



Heavenly Father, we take upon ourselves the mantle of authority that Jesus delegates to His disciples and in His Name, we speak to this place of work, and we say:

We bless every teacher to professionally and relationally promote God's love and purposes, to create the best atmosphere for God´s breakthrough in every situation. May every tutor recognize the potential of carrying God's presence in relation to both colleagues and children and to respect the divine, both in relation to those they teach and what they teach, and may they discern and choose appropriate teaching materials. We bless the teachers to see the gold in each student and to be able to know how to nurture that. We bless every student to know that they are seen and valued. We bless the relationships between students and their teachers to be strong and whole, that they would be loving, forgiving, merciful and strong, that they would be healthy and respectful of one another. We bless children, youth and students' ability to learn and develop relationships. We bless all who study and teach here that the blessings of the Presence of the Kingdom of God may fall upon you……

In Jesus’ name we bless every network of wholesome and supportive friendships and between this school and other schools in the sector. We bless every school and education institution with a safe learning environment, healthy community and sound values for development and education. We speak God's presence into the atmosphere of every learning environment and class room, and into every schoolyard, playground, cafeteria, and cosy nook. We bless the education system that it will submit to the wisdom and knowledge of God and make way for the kids and students to get a personal encounter with Jesus. 

We bless the physical health and mental wellbeing of every student and work colleague, that they may be strong and healthy. In Jesus’ Name we resist any sickness, disease or accident which seeks to invade this school/college/University, and we say, be well, be strong, be healthy. we say we bless you in Jesus’ Name with a speedy recovery. To any who are suffering from stress, anxiety or fear we bless you with peace that is beyond all understanding.

We bless every wholesome education institution or enterprise that is conducted by you that it may prosper and be successful. We bless the institution that it would generate a good return which will multiply and replace any poverty. We bless the work of everyone’s hands that whatever you turn your hand to which is wholesome may be profitable. We bless those involved in the supply chain that they would be able to deliver materials and services of quality and in a timely way. We bless the customers that they may be valued and served well……

We bless you with divine strategies and solutions. We bless you with creativity and new ideas which may be used to create new opportunities and that will generate new business….

We bless our leaders with integrity and the fear of the Lord. We bless them with Wisdom, Mercy and Justice as they are called to lead. We bless their hearts to be generous and caring, seeking the wellbeing and prosperity of all, and thereby creating a happy and harmonious working environment where trust and joy is at the heart of the workplace. We bless the school system in our country/area with high academic standards, clear competencies and the development of integrity and education based on a Christian view of life and humanity.

We speak to our brothers and sisters in their respective vocations in the education sector, and we say we bless you in the Name of the Lord that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God may flow out from you in power. That you would know the Presence of the Lord with you leading and guiding you as you live out the Lord’s calling in your workplace. We bless you to be filled with the Fruits of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control), that you would reflect the Lord in your attitude and behaviour. We Bless you with success in all that you do, that you would receive the favour of Daniel and Joseph, Ruth and Esther….and Jabez!...... 

We bless the Christian Workplace Groups, Christian Professional and Sector Groups and Christian Workplace Ministries. We bless them with divine wisdom as they connect with those leading on Diversity and Inclusion, and that they would speak Your Kingdom values into their place of work. We bless those Christians in all spheres of influence, in the: Health; Media; Education; Government, Industry; Service; Finance, Agriculture, Technology, Arts and Culture and all other sectors. May we learn together as we seek to see breakthrough in our respective workplaces….



Heavenly Father, we take upon ourselves the mantle of authority that Jesus delegates to His disciples and in His Name, we speak to this business/place of work, and we say:

We bless the relationships between you and your fellow workers; between you and your line managers, between your line managers and your directors; between your Directors and their Trustees/Boards; between you, your colleagues and your political leaders / Members. We bless the relationships to be strong and wholesome, that they would be loving, forgiving, and merciful, that they would be healthy and respectful of one another. We bless all who live and work here that the blessings of the Presence of the Kingdom of God may fall upon you……

In Jesus’ name we bless every network of wholesome and supportive friendships and between this business and other businesses in the sector. We bless all central and local government networks ….  We bless the Supply chain both local and global…

We bless the health and wellbeing of those work colleagues in government, that they may be strong and healthy. In Jesus’ Name we resist any sickness, disease or accident which seeks to invade the good government of our nation, and we say, be well, be strong, be healthy. To any who are sick or injured or suffering from stress or mental health right now we say we bless you in Jesus’ Name with a speedy recovery. In Jesus’ name we bless: the personal connection and intimacy with Father God to be increased and to receive wisdom and courage with our gaze set on our Father; for those on the ‘front line’ to confront the issues with mercy and loving kindness toward the people, to not be intimidated but stand strong and speak boldly, bravely; for open hearts to the Christian world view that Christians represent, and with supportive friendships; and for marriages to be strong and healthy.

We bless every wholesome enterprise that is conducted by you that it may prosper and be successful. We bless the Government/this Council with sufficient resources to meet the needs of the people and communities they serve and to use these resources wisely. We bless the council/government with the wise disbursement of funds that this would result in the generation of prosperous businesses resulting in a good return which will multiply and replace any poverty. We bless the work of everyone’s hands that whatever you turn your hand to which is wholesome may be profitable. We bless those involved in the supply chain that they would be able to deliver materials and services of quality and in a timely way. We bless the customers that they may be valued and served well……

We bless you with divine strategies and solutions. We bless you with creativity and new ideas which may be used to create new opportunities and that will generate new business…. and that will solve complex problems, maximizing the efficient and effective use of resources and promoting the social, economic and environmental well-being of the region / area.

We bless our leaders with integrity and the fear of the Lord. We bless them with Wisdom, Discernment, Mercy and Justice as they are called to lead. We bless their hearts to be generous and caring, seeking the wellbeing and prosperity of all, and thereby creating a happy and harmonious working environment where trust and joy is at the heart of the workplace. We bless: National influence in the power of the holy spirit.; the voice of Truth and Light; the sovereignty of Jesus Christ and Christian biblical values established over the nation; for Provision by way of sponsorships and donations, support in prayer and financial prosperity; Unity that commands a blessing and strength of connection in healthy relationships amongst ‘Christians in Politics’ organisations; for Spiritual authority with integrity that is clearly seen by unbelievers and a testimony that brings God Glory; and for favour and heart connection at the highest levels. We also pray for the salvation of our political leaders.  

We speak to our brothers and sisters in their respective vocations in the workplace, and we say we bless you in the Name of the Lord that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God may flow out from you in power and that you will be ambassadors of His love and grace. That you would know the Presence of the Lord with you leading and guiding you as you live out the Lord’s calling in your workplace. We bless you to be filled with the Fruits of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control), that you would reflect the Lord in your attitude and behaviour. We Bless you with success in all that you do, that you would receive the favour of Daniel and Joseph, Ruth and Esther….and Jabez!...... 

We bless the Christian Workplace Groups, Christian Professional and Sector Groups and Christian Workplace Ministries. We bless them with divine wisdom as they connect with those leading on Diversity and Inclusion, and that they would speak Your Kingdom values into their place of work. We bless those Christians in all spheres of influence, in the: Health; Media; Education; Government, Industry; Service; Finance, Agriculture, Technology, Arts and Culture and all other sectors. May we learn together as we seek to see breakthrough in our respective workplaces….

We bless our political leaders and members with wisdom, discernment and integrity in their policy and decision making and that they would act justly, love mercy and walk humbly in all they do as public servants.  We bless them with wholesome, open and honest relationships with each other and with those who advise and support them. We bless them with an attentive and compassionate heart for the people and communities they represent and serve. In Jesus’ name we bless: the rule of God, the rule of Shalom over our country’s leaders and their families; for Wisdom from Heaven to lead and guide all decision making; for Honour and respect in meetings; for Peace upon this nation and healthy supportive integration of differences; for Restoration of the family (biblical model) and identity in Christ; and for Prosperity and innovation sourced from the knowledge of a heavenly strategy.



Heavenly Father, we take upon ourselves the mantle of authority that Jesus delegates to His disciples and in His Name, we speak to this business/place of work, and we say:

We bless the relationships between you and your team workers, your superiors and your directors, between you and your patients/residents and their families. We bless the relationships to be strong and whole, that they would be loving, forgiving, merciful and strong, that they would be healthy and respectful of one another. We bless all who live and work in this place (hospital, clinic, laboratory…) that the blessings of the Presence of the Kingdom of God may fall upon your team, the different Health professions represented and wards.

In Jesus’ name we bless every network of wholesome and supportive collaboration between the different professions and departments that together they may provide good quality care with compassion for the patients/residents and their families and communities. 

We bless the health and wellbeing of work colleagues, that they may be strong and healthy. In Jesus’ Name we resist any sickness, disease or accident which seeks to invade the working place and the teams, and we say, be well, be strong, be healthy. To any who are sick or injured or suffering from stress or mental health right now we say we bless you in Jesus’ Name with a speedy recovery. In Jesus’ Name we resist any sickness, disease, mental health and stress..….

We bless the economy of the healthcare system so that solutions can be found for the use of resources that honour staff, patients/residents and their families and allow for adequate prevention at the community level. We bless every wholesome health enterprise that is conducted by you that it may prosper and be successful. We bless the work of everyone’s hands that whatever you turn your hand to which is wholesome may be profitable. We bless those involved in the supply chain that they would be able to deliver materials and services of quality and in a timely way. We bless the patients that they may be valued and served well……

We bless you with divine strategies and solutions. We bless you with creativity and new ideas which may be used to create new opportunities for the improvement of healthcare in the nation.

We bless our leaders with integrity and the fear of the Lord. We bless them with Wisdom, Mercy and Justice as they are called to lead. We bless their hearts to be generous and caring, seeking the wellbeing and prosperity of all, and thereby creating a happy and harmonious working environment where trust and joy is at the heart of the workplace…. 

We speak to our brothers and sisters in their respective vocations in the healthcare workplace, and we say we bless you in the Name of the Lord that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God may flow out from you in power. That you would know the Presence of the Lord with you leading and guiding you as you live out the Lord’s calling in your area of service. We bless you to be filled with the Fruits of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control), that you would reflect the Lord in your attitude and behaviour. We Bless you with success in all that you do, that you would receive the favour of Daniel and Joseph, Ruth and Esther….and Jabez!...... 

We bless the Christian Workplace Groups, Christian Professional and Sector Groups and Christian Workplace Ministries. We bless them with divine wisdom as they connect with those leading on Diversity and Inclusion, and that they would speak Your Kingdom values into their place of work. We bless those Christians in all spheres of influence, in the: Health; Media; Education; Government, Industry; Service; Economy, Agriculture, Technology, Sports, Arts and Culture and all other sectors. May we learn together as we seek to see breakthrough in our respective workplaces….


Daily Intro: “Father, I bring to you (names). I agree with your plan and purpose that each might come to know you and honour Jesus as Lord and Christ. I ask that you would send dreams, visions and divine encounters to each one.”

DAY 1:
Pray: “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (God’s protection)
Bless: Body – health, protection, security

DAY 2:
Pray: “Give us our daily bread” (God’s provision)
Bless: Labour – work, reward, security

DAY 3:
Pray: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name” (God’s character)
Bless: Emotional – joy, peace, hope

DAY 4:
Pray: “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us” (God’s forgiveness)
Bless: Social – love, marriage, family, friends

DAY 5:
Pray: “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (God’s Kingdom)
Bless: Spiritual – salvation, revelation, faith, grace


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