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Do you have a passion for Christian workplace ministry? Would you like to use your gifts and talents to help us achieve our vision? Maybe you could become an Ambassador or maybe you could help with administration, IT, finance, events or any number of other ways. 

Since its inception in 2003, Transform Work has grown to include a network of over 500 workplace groups across 22 sectors.

Our mission is to connect, equip and support Christians to express their faith at work in word and action, in missional communities in their workplace (Christian Workplace Groups - CWGs). Whether preparing to enter the workplace, currently working or with workplace experience behind you, we want to help you live out your God-given calling to make a difference through work, and to encourage others to do the same.

Our vision at Transform Work is to bring both the opportunities and the resources for Christians to openly and effectively share their faith at work, and influence the profession, commerce and industry with Christian values. We do this by connecting workplace groups in our get connected portal, offering professional advice, providing workplace resources and regular usable guidance that complies with the latest workforce guidelines for various industry sectors and hosting regular events.

We also partner with a team of volunteer ambassadors and associates who come alongside the vision of Transform Work to provide their professional expertise and guidance, pastoral support and can be invited to speak at your workplace free of charge at training, Christian workgroups or outreach events.

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If you are interested in becoming part of our team p
lease go ahead and fill in the form below.

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