Meet Our New Team Members
Stephen Clarke

My name is Stephen, and I have been appointed to the role of Finance Officer, to carry on the work so ably performed until now by Rashmi.
I have recently taken early retirement, so that I can spend more of my time doing things that I like such as playing more golf, keep fit, and spending time with my family. When I took on this role, one of my daughters asked why I had done this only two months after retiring! When I saw the advertisement, I felt God prompting me to apply so that if chosen, I could offer the skills God has blessed me with in this important work. After a few weeks of praying about it, I sent in my application, and here I am!
As I am the Home Group coordinator at my church in Devon, I felt there was a synergy with the work carried out by Transform Work. I am a Chartered Accountant, and have worked for two top five practices, as well as the Leading Public sector auditor the Audit Commission. I have also worked for several local firms of accountants. I am married and have two grown up daughters. I became a Christian over 45 years ago when I was in the sixth form in Nottinghamshire.
Peter Martin

Hi, my name is Peter Martin, and I have recently been appointed as the Project and Events Manager for Transform Work which I am very excited about.
For over a decade I have run my own Health and Safety business called Marfam Safety Group also known as Church Compliance and part own Union Medical which is a private ambulance company. I also sit on the UK incident command of the Christian Emergency Network. Through this professional life, I have gained a lot of experience working on projects and events and am keen to bring this expertise to the role.
I became interested in workplace ministry as I believe that it is through the way we treat people in our daily lives that demonstrates the Messiah. It is also where the people are most of the time so it is where we must be to spread the gospel.
As a bit of background, I grew up in church and was baptised at 16 when I decided to follow for myself. I spent the early years of my Christian life in a community house. I joined Transform Work part-time while still working in the business, as have a passion to see workplace ministry thrive for the glory of his name.
Julie Smith
I live in South Norfolk with my husband. We have two adult children and two very young
grandchildren. We are members of a local Baptist Church, affiliated to the FIEC, and I serve
there as the Deputy Safeguarding Lead.
I recently stepped back from paid employment after 43 years as a Registered Nurse,
followed by a three-year role as a Diocesan Strategic Programme Manager in the Church of
I wasn’t brought up in a Christian family, but I became aware of God when I was about 7
years of age, and I eventually gave my life to Christ in my mid- twenties. As God sent me to
serve in many diverse workplace cultures, I came to recognise that the actual work I did
wasn’t my calli
ng. Rather, it was the opportunity to walk alongside people of all faiths and
none. Over time I developed a heart for serving the people in the place where God sent me,
whether they were patients, peers, volunteers, Consultants, Executives or Bishops.
Whilst on that journey, I found a passion for workplace ministry, and especially workplace
prayer to draw Christians together and to create opportunities for mutual flourishing,
discipleship and support.
I discovered Transform Work in 2016,
whilst researching resources for workplace
ministry. This led to my coming on board as an Ambassador in the NHS for a while. When I
left the NHS, I felt led to create a Workplace Group in my most recent employment, which is
when I reconnected with Transform Work.
Now that I have more free time, it feels right to return as an Ambassador, and I hope I can be
a source of encouragement and support the CWG’s in Norfolk and Suffolk, and to support
others serving in Transform Work in this season.