What happened next? Positive challenge!
What happened next? Positive challenge!
At Sefton Council we established a Christian Workplace Group in 2015. When advertising the group we emphasise it is part of the Council’s commitment to equality and diversity.
We meet with the Personnel Manager twice a year to let him know what we’ve been up to and to talk about our future plans. He has always been very supportive of our group and we have appreciated his insights.
We sometimes add updates about the group to the home page of the Council’s intranet. When we last met our Personnel Manager, he queried what we were doing to reach those not on the intranet e.g. those in our depots and educational support staff. Good question – why hadn’t we thought of that?!
We shared our ideas about setting up a drop-in prayer room in a satellite office where training takes place. Perhaps this could provide a refuge for staff attending training events who are often preoccupied with whether their jobs are secure. “Why just open a prayer room there”, he challenged us. “Why not in the main building?” Another helpful insight!
We mentioned our desire to raise awareness of the Christian faith. We suggested setting up a stall in the foyer of the main building, but expressed our hesitation about this - our experience is that people can studiously avoid stalls like this. He countered: “I love seeing stalls out in the foyer. Yes, I think you should do this linked to one of the events you celebrate …. perhaps Christmas or Easter”.
God at work.
Steve Matthews