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As we prepare for a new season, I pray for each of you to know what the Lord is asking you to do and where to spend your time. Where better to shine your light this Christmas than in your workplace? A number of Christian Workplace Groups are planning to take part in this initiative, why not join them?

On Thursday 23rd August, Shine Your Light had two excellent Zoom meetings with hundreds of Shine Your Light Champions and some of you. Around 130 joined at lunchtime and then over 300 in the evening with a further five hundred viewing via Facebook and YouTube.

They shared some exciting updates, including the launch of the Save the Date Video and a Shine Your Light conference at Stockport in November targeting local networks and Churches across the North. 

They also shared an update on how to purchase resources and the sponsorship of the Christmas Programme Booklet.

They've seen hundreds of registrations already which is so encouraging. 

As partners and supporting ministries, they would love your help in a number of ways:

1.Share the Save the Date Video across your networks 

This is available to share across the range of platforms:




You can also download it from


Many thanks to those who have already shared this or committed to doing so over the next couple of weeks. If you need the raw video file, please get in touch and they will share it with you. Contact Adam May on:

2. Share about the Shine Your Light Free Conference in Stockport 

Please find attached a poster for a Shine Your Light free two day Conference in Stockport in November. There's space for 300 Leaders. If you have churches and contacts in the North West or even the North East, please share the details with them.

The link to register for the conference is here:

3. Help them promote the Special Leaders Prayer Meeting on Thursday 12th September at 7.00pm

As we move into September, they will be stepping up prayer towards Shine Your Light. On Thursday 12th September at 7.00pm, in partnership with CFAN UK, they will be hosting a special prayer meeting, focusing on Shine Your LIght when they will be praying over Evangelists and Leaders across the UK!

This meeting will be on Zoom, YouTube and Facebook. Registration to join them on Zoom is here:

Please note, this is the regular NDOPW platform. 

4. Encourage Shine Your Light registrations

Here's the text you can use to encourage registrations across your networks:

We encourage you to sign up as a Shine Your Light Champion! Register as either an individual, a church, or a ministry organization. 

Please visit:

If you’d like to register by text or WhatsApp, please send a message to +44 7429 379 777

Their Evening Prayer Rally was recorded, so you might want to have a watch of this to fill in any gaps:

The next Shine Your Light Briefing is scheduled for 12.30pm on Thursday 26th September 2024 via Zoom. 

This meeting will last no longer than one hour. The link we will be using for this meeting is below:  
Or Call: 02036950088
Meeting ID: 725 601 8703
Password: 19662020  

If you cannot attend, they would like you to appoint one or two people to represent you from your leadership teams, network and communications department. They can join and give feedback to you as we begin the countdown towards SYL 2024 at Christmas.
Please let them know in advance who is joining this call. 
Thank you for working together as we see 100,000 Christians mobilised this Christmas! 
Please do not hesitate to make contact if Shine Your Light can be of any assistance until we all meet in a couple of weeks. 

Contact details:
Adam May
Director of Communications and Engagement 
The National Day of Prayer and Worship
07736 949 869 (WhatsApp)

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