Godspot is a monthly thought for reflection and prayer brought to us by Transform Work Ambassador Andy Smith taken from his monthly recordings with UCB radio.
You can choose to read it below or listen to the recording below if you prefer.
Availability not ability
I’m Andy Smith, Ambassador for Transform Work.
In 2016, I became aware that God was calling me to set up what became the Rolls-Royce Multi-Faith Network. Little did I know where it would lead me. I was certainly well out of my comfort zone, but actually in a way I was glad of that. I knew that if God did not come through and guide me I would fall flat on my face.
But then, how often do we think we do not have the ability for something we believe God is calling us to. Guess what, it is not our ability God is looking for, but our availability. When we avail ourselves of God, He gives us His ability and together we achieve so much more together.
I look back on the last seven years amazed at where that initial call led. But now I am looking forward to what is next.
Is there something you are putting off because you do not think you have the ability? Give God a go and you might be surprised where you end up. I ended up in 10 Downing Street and the Houses of Parliament.
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