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A Christmas Message  

From Julian Shellard, Chair of the Board of Trustees 

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

Julian Jumper

Giving is at the heart of this season as we are inspired by the greatest gift the universe has ever seen: the giving by God of his very self in the form of a child - a gift that was so costly - and a gift that, like all gifts, is given to be received! A gift for the sole purpose of reconciling the human race with our Creator.  Let’s take many moments in this season to thank him. 

And what a gift the Lord Jesus is. As we read these words we are inspired by his names. What a privilege we have to know him and to represent him in our workplaces. All that is wonderful is derived from him. All good counsel comes from him. In a world when so many are orphans spiritually we can see in him the love of our Heavenly Father and reflect that love through our relationships at work. True peace is found in him alone, and how much our world longs for peace, peace for mental health, peace in broken relationships, peace in our politics, peace among nations. Peace making can start in very small ways and is surely needed in our workplaces. 

Our mission in Transform Work has never been so important as it is now. I’m excited that together we are building a movement - a platform - where this Lord Jesus can be displayed in all his glory for all the benefits of his presence and power - as we see in his names - to be displayed. We have discovered why and how we can love work. You can inspire and help me as I do my work and I can do the same for you. That’s what we enable to happen in Transform Work. 

I’m so grateful to belong to this family - those who serve in the workplace, those who serve on our staff or as volunteers, those who give to our work and those we partner with in the Christian community.  Together we are on a vital mission to bring life and hope into the world of work and transform the nations. 

All glory to the King of Kings!

Julian Shellard 

Chair of the Board of Trustees

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