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I Will Give You Rest

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It's that time of year, the silly season is upon us once again and everyone is buzzing around making their plans for the festive holidays.

It's the season to be jolly, but for many of us that will be quite a challenge. The last two years have been draining and the pandemic has left a lot of people physically and mentally exhausted. I wonder how many online calls and meetings you’ve had this year? I don’t know about you but so many of us are zoomed out! Normally most workplace groups would be putting on their Christmas events, but we have heard from many of you who are feeling tired and worn out.

Sometimes not having the energy to do what you would normally do can make you feel down, or like you are failing in some way, but we want to encourage you to take an opportunity to rest over the Christmas break. Jesus understands how you are feeling and he says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28. We want to encourage you to sleep, to read the word, to pray and reflect, to laugh and celebrate with family and friends. Try not to feel pressured by the list of things you are unable to do at the moment, allow yourself to fall into the arms of Jesus. Rest up, rejuvenate so that you are able to go again next year. Transform Work’s Ambassadors, Associates and Prayer teams are always here for you. If you need extra support please get in touch.

We also want to acknowledge the Christian Workplace, Professional & Sector Groups who are putting on events this Christmas, and will be praying for them too, such as:

The carol service at Whitehall run by Christians In Government, click here for more information.

The Greater London Authority Christian Network’s Christmas Celebration, click here for more information.

There are other groups who usually would have organised an event but just don’t have the capacity to do so this year. Instead of doing nothing they are thinking outside the box and are still sharing Jesus this Christmas in a less time consuming, energy sapping ways such as:

Sefton Council who have produced a series of Advent reflections that are posted on to their intranet site for employees to read and be encouraged.

Whatever takes place this Christmas time, whether big or small, we can all be praying for Holy Spirit to give us individual opportunities to share Jesus’ story of why He came to earth; to seek and save those that are lost. (Luke 19:10).

So, no matter how you feel this Christmas, just remember that you can come to Jesus and find rest and replenishment no matter what you are going through. We would like to wish you all a very restful Christmas season.

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