Resilience and new shoots!
As we look back on 2021, we may remember a second tough year with the ongoing Covid restrictions and the impact on our working lives. Many people used to working in offices have continued to work on tables in their front room or their bedroom; some people have been unable to work as entire industries have been closed; others have worked much longer shifts than usual and covered for colleagues isolating. Some Christian workplace groups have found it hard to meet – where groups have met online, there has sometimes been lower attendance as colleagues have just been unable to handle yet another Microsoft Teams call.
However what we have seen in Transform Work both with the individual workplace groups and the sector groups has been an incredible God-given resilience. His strength has encouraged us to keep meeting in groups, and to keep blessing and supporting colleagues.
Some groups have grown using organisational social media such as Yammer, reaching out virtually in a way that would have been much more difficult if people had stayed in offices, a great example being at Aviva. Some groups have been able to run Alpha online, engaging colleagues and with some coming to faith, such as on a course run jointly by Sefton Council and the Office for Nuclear Regulation. Others have adopted a more drop-in style of online meeting. Holding on tight in difficult situations – leaning on God and receiving His resilience.
We have also seen new shoots in a wonderful variety of ways – new Christian Workplace Groups such as the Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, a new sector group for Christians in the Pharmaceutical Industry, a new Local Authority network group, new ambassadors taking up the reins, new associates, and a new approach to engaging with Diversity and Inclusion. We had our first hybrid annual celebration, and we held a day of prayer at the start of Advent – “Jesus to be revealed”. We have extended our partnerships, including with the Eternal Wall of Prayer initiative which is building a national monument based on 1 million answered prayers.
As we head into 2022, we are focusing on five key areas and there is plenty of opportunity for you to get involved:
We will build in more days of prayer with expanded focus both nationally and globally, strengthening our links with other prayer ministries and initiatives (such as Thy Kingdom Come). Could you help us with one of these prayer days?
We have been thinking through how we communicate with our key audiences. We plan to turn these into graphic design, providing materials for national and local use. Could you help us identify what material would be helpful locally – in your organisation, sector or region?
We are looking to make it easy for those who want to invest into the vision of Transform Work by providing monetary support. Could you let us have your ideas? Could you or your church support us with a one-off gift or more regularly? Why not have a go now and try out our new donation page
Ambassador team
We are growing the Ambassador team over the next few years to have a team of 72 Ambassadors. Could you be a local Ambassador and encourage groups in your area? To join our next A-Team call click here.
Diversity and inclusion
We are developing a Faith kitemark to encourage employers to be more supportive of faith – we are calling this Faith Friendly Workplaces. Could you join our network led by Dave Law, our Reading ambassador working at Thames Water, bringing your ideas?
We are keen that we use the talents that God has given us in our Transform Work network of groups and partners – please do get in touch if you feel you can help in any of these areas.
We can be confident that this will be a wonderful year – God is our Saviour, our Refuge, our Strong Tower, and He has prepared the way for us.
As God taught Moses and Aaron, let’s bless each other in the words...
“‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
Mal Shaw
Transform Work UK Trustee, Director and Ambassador