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Workplace Prayer

Standing Order

If you would like to set up a bank transfer or standing order our details are below. NB: Metro Bank is not a member of the bank verification scheme. 

Bank: Metro Bank
Account: Transform Work 
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Account No: 44565242

Stewardship Services

Visit our account with Stewardship's facilities for Christian charities
Thank you!


Leave A Gift In Your Will

Many of us hope that we leave a legacy of love, kindness and fond memories to our family, friends, other people we know or may have worked with; that when we are gone their memories of us make them smile. Leaving a gift in your will to charity is more than a donation, it is also part of your legacy.

May we invite you to prayerfully consider leaving a gift to Transform Work in your will so that we can continue to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in our workplaces. Providing for family and loved ones comes first, and then the needs of your church fellowship. Any gift you choose to leave after providing for these needs would be deeply valued by Transform Work.

How to leave a gift:

If you do wish to leave a gift in your will to Transform Work the information you will need is our name, address and charity registration number as follows:

Transform Work HQ
8 Marshalsea Road, London SE1 1HL
United Kingdom
Charity Number: 1120053

Planning your Visit