Daniel at Work

What a great example Daniel was - and still is to us!
Captured and made to work for a very egotistical ruler in a strange land with strange people. But rather than just work, he excelled- in everything he did. Obviously God had gifted him with great intellect, understanding and amazingly the ability to interpret dreams- ( not something that’s needed a lot in today’s workplace?!- but you never know!). Because of his work ethic he rose to great prominence in Babylon, but not without causing jealousy from other leaders of the royal households who plotted his downfall more than once. He worked for four rulers, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius and Cyrus and his popularity with them seemed to go up and down but none of them could do without his wisdom and ability to deal with the running of the country.
Through all these difficult times Daniel held fast to his faith in God, never giving in or even compromising. Even when prayer became outlawed he continued to pray to God 3 times every day and ended up playing “dens” with a pride of lions!
Sometimes it’s hard to admit to being a Christian, but God wants us to be faithful, to stand up and be counted. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego we can say “ the God we serve is able to save us.... but even if he does not... we will not serve or worship other gods...”(Daniel 3v17-18)
The workplace is a place of refining, where God wants you to reflect Him to those working around you. Like Daniel, if you give your best, you will never be found wanting. Daniel 6v4 says “.. the satraps and administrators tried to find charges for grounds against Daniel.... but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. “
Let this be what your bosses and work colleagues say about you. In this time of pandemic where life is a struggle and the future uncertain remember that God is sovereign, now and forever.We believe there are 5 main areas where He is calling us to grow over the next 5 years, based around this picture:
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