God at Work!
![Liverpool workshop1](/Images/content/718/913827.jpg)
“As Christians you can make a positive difference to your organisation”. That was the advice of Ros Turner, Operations Director of Transform Work UK who spoke at a networking event in Liverpool recently.
The event was attended by representatives of local authorities, private companies, charities and church leaders. Ros inspired us with examples of Christians being ‘good news’ in their organisations.
A few days after the event, I received this encouraging story from Jessica (not her real name):
“As an introvert, I was interested in finding out more about what's possible in terms of Christianity in the workplace but if I'm honest, I had no intention of being the one to lead anything - that's just not me. However, I found the evening really inspiring and felt prompted to take some baby steps, pushing on doors and seeing what God would do.
I didn't think I knew any other Christians at my work, but then I remembered a colleague mentioning her church when I first started working there. I sent her an e-mail the morning after the event, simply asking if she was a Christian. That led to a conversation about Ros' talk, and we ended up spending an hour together, praying in our lunch break yesterday! She's really excited about what this could become, so she encouraged me to go straight to senior management about it. I did and got the immediate go-ahead to be able to send an all-staff e-mail to invite people to future prayer gatherings! It's all been very easy so far and not as scary as I thought.
I sent my e-mail just before I left work yesterday, then joined some colleagues for a meal out. One of them pulled me aside at the end of the evening to say she'd seen the e-mail and thought it was a lovely thing to do. She could see the positive impact that this could have on our organisation.
So, early days, but things are looking good so far!
Thanks to Ros and everyone involved in the event for encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone”.
This is the story of one person in one organisation. There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in workplaces across our nation. The good news is that God is at work there too!
Maybe you are finding it difficult to be a Christian at work or you have wondered how to start up a group.
TWUK provide support and guidance to Christians who would like to start a group in their workplace. We offer examples of how to build a business case for your HR manager to demonstrate the value of a Christian group to your organisation (www.transformworkuk.org/resources).
Steve Matthews
Ambassador for Liverpool/ Merseyside