TWUK and Kingdom Connections
![Kingdom Connections May 19 - 2](/Images/content/718/953966.jpg)
TWUK has had the privilege of attending the 4 year anniversary celebration of Kingdom Connections.
Kingdom Connections (KC) is a community of interdenominational believers, who come together for discipleship in purpose, lifestyle and relationships. Their strap line is - Connecting | Communing | Cultivating.
They are passionate about connecting believers together and showcasing other orgnisations and groups who are leading the way with initiatives that focus on: Purpose | Lifestyle | Relationships - their 3 pillars of connections.
TWUK was there to talk about the importance of building healthy relationships as Christians in the workplace. We addressed the value of connecting with other Christians in our workplaces in order to support and encourage each other, but most importantly to pray for the organisation and to find ways to serve and bring benefit to colleagues and the organisation as a whole.
The evening was an opportunity to reflect on the highlights of what they had achieved over the last 4 years and their vision going forward as they remembered their humble beginnings in April 2015. They celebrated the number of “Unique Connections” that have happened over the years that have resulted in fulfilment of marriage, friendships, business opportunities and workplace testimonials.
The founder of Kingdom Connections was one of the key speakers at the last Barclays Christian Forum Conference last November, and so the organisation is very much aware of the importance of impacting the workplace with Christian values and building vibrant Christian Workplace Groups that engage with organisational initiatives and platforms such as Equality and Inclusion, Well Being, Multi-Faith, etc.
The evening was also a networking opportunity with Kingdom connections happening throughout the evening. TWUK had a table with a stand providing literature and resources to the delegates. As a special guest, we had the opportunity to share the key areas of impact we are experiencing presently as an organisation as well as our vision and mission.
One of the plans for the future announced in the course of the evening was that Kingdom Connections is planning to set up an interactive website for the different organisations in their network of connections. In other words, they will be creating a community whereby they will benefit from each other’s areas of expertise and proficiency in order to take the relationships to the next level. They will be launching the website in the near future.
The organisations represented at the event include: Synthesis; The Response; London City Mission; CBMC International; Flowing Rivers Foundation; Christian Concern; Christian Socials; Kingsman and Kingswoman; KC Wealth; Love Limitless; Restore Citizenship; Hampshire Community Bank; Make a Life; ‘Hello to I do’; KC Courtship; Spirit Filled Marriage; Maximised Singles and Transform Work UK.
TWUK anticipates the synergy that will result from connecting with the organisations on the Kingdom Connections platform. More than 80% of those involved in the founding, administration and management of these organizations are in the workplace of some kind, so there will be mutual benefit for all.
So we watch this space with excitement and expectation.
Elizabeth Ukiomogbe