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Thank God it’s Monday

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If you are a Christian Workplace Group leader and would like to receive your free book, get in touch with your local Transform Work ambassador or email us at

The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity and Transform Work UK came up with a great idea, to give a “Thank God It’s Monday” book to every leader of a Christian Workplace Group that is connected to Transform Work UK. The idea being to share this great resource within workplace groups so that members all have the opportunity to read, learn and together be better equipped to bring their whole selves, including sharing their faith, to work.

Many of our group leaders have been delighted to receive such a helpful and inspiring gift. Your local Transform Work Ambassador will have been endeavouring to meet you in person so that they can give you this resource face to face.

Along with your free book you will receive a cover letter from the author Mark Greene (LICC) and Ros Turner (Transform Work UK) that has some helpful questions for you to work through in your Workplace Group.

Click on the videos below to discover an innovative way that one Christian Workplace Group is using this resource within their meetings.

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Below are some quotes from Christian Workplace Group leaders in the Liverpool area, who have used Thank God it's Monday.

Hannah, a nurse at Alder Hey Hospital
It has really helped me to appreciate how important work is to God and how much God is at work there! Also that it is a huge part of my waking life and really the only place I come into contact with non-Christians (intentionally anyway) so is a really important place to invest in those friendships and not just stick to the safe Christian bubble. It has helped change my perspective at times on working with a new motivation, knowing I am going into a place God wants me to be for now and more conscious of my interactions with colleagues being a witness for Christ. At work the other night I was with 3 other Christians – all of whom I have worked with in the last 18+ months of being there but (except for one). I had no idea they were believers - we don’t get too much time to socialise on shift! I texted my husband to tell him as I just couldn’t believe it. I know God has revealed it to me at the right time and am seeking Him for His plans at my workplace and how He wants to use me there. 

Steve B, West Lancashire Council
What can I say about the book: It is a real eye-opener, and helps you see work in a completely different light – as a purposeful and fulfilling activity that God is interested in, and as a mission field where it is possible we are the only missionaries to these particular people (although I am not a particularly good one).  I love the many examples and anecdotes given through the book.  It has been a great resource to base our CWG studies on, and I hope to pass copies to other Christians in work that I know, as well as to our pastor.

Jude, University administrator  
Ros & Jude - TGIM (1)Thank God it's Monday has helped me challenge my subconscious thoughts about what I - and others - believe to be 'worthwhile' jobs. I have often been guilty of telling people I'm 'just an administrator', as if that is something to be embarrassed about. Ironically, when I was a Civil Servant, I found it much easier to tell people what I did, yet I have more responsibility and am on a higher salary now, but assume people will judge me if they know I 'only' work in admin. Yes, I might not be saving lives, but what I do is still important for my employer, and God can still use me in my workplace - even if it's through my behaviour rather than the fact that I'm good with spreadsheets! What you do for a job - if, in fact, you 'do' anything - doesn't define who you are, and certainly not how God sees you. It's important to remember that you can make a difference in people's lives no matter what your day-to-day looks like.

Steve M, Sefton Council
I read Thank God it's Monday when it was first published in the 1990’s and it had a profound effect on my view of work then. It enabled me to see my work as of intrinsic value to God, and not just a means to an end.This latest updated edition of Thank God is Monday has continued to inspire me. Hebrew uses the same word for ‘worship’ as for ‘work’, observes Mark Greene. This opened up a whole new perspective on my work.  And I love the sub-title ‘flourishing in the workplace’.  Two concepts many would not naturally associate, but possible when we view our work as God does. The theology of work is brought to life with many illustrations of how this has been applied in a whole variety of workplaces.  It is a powerful blend which has immensely encouraged me in my work at Sefton Council and I know will lift the spirits of any Christian who wants to see God at work.

We would love to hear from you. Has reading “Thank God It’s Monday” helped you personally in living out your faith in your workplace? How has reading the book together affected your Workplace Group? If you are a Christian Workplace Group leader and have not received yours yet, get in touch with your local Transform Work ambassador or email us at

Here’s wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

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