Barclays Staff Network Groups Mark Easter Together
'The Passion - an Easter Event'

The Christian network and the Black Professionals Network at Barclays in Canary Wharf, London, joined together to arrange an event to mark Easter. What an excellent example of groups working together! Here's what happened:
The Embrace Christian Forum and Black Professionals Forum collaborated on an event to celebrate the meaning of Easter on Thursday 22 March 2018. The event opened with a warm welcome from the hosts, who represented the Christian and Black Professionals forum respectively.
With an inspirational line up of speakers and an eclectic mix of musical and poetry performances; the event was kicked off with a keynote speech
from Rev Lola Oyebade, Senior Pastor of House on the Rock International church, a church she pioneered in the south east of London with members from over 15 different nations. Her speech implored colleagues to be reminded of the meaning of Easter and the powerful message of God’s unconditional love that can be gleaned from the events from the crucifixion to the resurrection.
The final speech for the night was by Richard Godden, a corporate partner at Linklaters with over 35 years’ experience in the corporate world who is also a member of the UK Takeover Panel and Deputy Chairman of London City Mission, among other titles. Richard talked about living in the light of Easter and gave a refreshing reminder that though we may sometimes be tired and feel burdened but we need to keep in mind the glorious truths of Easter. He further challenged us to respond to Christ’s love in obedience service and reminded everyone of who we are as Christians in consequence of Easter (i.e. sons and heirs, Gal 4:7; a holy people and a chosen nation, 1 Peter 2:9).
Following the incredible performances and speeches, the audience got the opportunity to ask questions of the speakers about bringing their whole selves and their faith to work and dealing with sometimes conflicting pressures. Rev Lola and Richard provided guidance and advice to members of the audience and two quotes stood out ....
“To discover your purpose start with what you enjoy doing” - Rev Lola
“It is challenging to live your faith and practise in your professional right. You may make mistakes but that is part of growing in Christ”.
| A report on the Barclays Christian Forum Easter event |
| The Christian Staff Network joined with the Black Professionals Network of Barclays in Canary Wharf to arrange an event: 'Easter - The Passion'. Key leaders spoke of their faith |
| Elizabeth recently attended the Christians in Government Easter service in Westminster. John Kirkby of CAP brought reflections and told how God has used CAP to help many |
| Sefton Council CWG looks outwards and holds an Alpha course together with nearby groups and provides Easter eggs for council employees |
| The Sefton Council Christian Workplace Group put on a varied Easter display for staff at the Council - as suggested by their Personnel Manager! |
| Easter is on it's way... what a great opportunity to share the heart of Christianity - Jesus' Death, Resurrection and Ascension. Here are some ideas. Do let us know if you are planning something new. |
| And the winner recieves a The Real Easter Egg from the meaningful chocolate company? |
| WOW - it's been amazing to discover so many brilliant activities and initiatives from Christian Workplace Groups who with permission from management have shared the Good News of Jesus with all staff whatever faith or non faith. |
| We wanted to do something different and memorable and fun that would last. Easter eggs get eaten and forgotten... |
| Literally just got all of the sites to pay for hot cross buns for everyone.
I’m hoping to draft a message with details of the churches closest to the offices and get that promoted. |
| Meryl explains the periods of prayer and fasting that the PwC Christian Network as arranged through Advent and Lent |
| A Christian Workplace Group offers an example of supporting a local charity through the proceeds of an Easter service
| President Richard Waller of Christians in Library and Information Services, shares his resolute thoughts on Easter and the Coronavirus |
| Easter is on it's way... what a great opportunity to share the heart of Christianity - Jesus' Death, Resurrection and Ascension. Here are some ideas. Do let us know if you are planning something new. |