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Mental Health Awareness Week Resources

Did you know the top searched topic on YouTube in 2023 was mental health. God is so passionate about our whole life, mind, body and soul. This course will help you understand colleagues working through mental health challenges and well as helping those with mental health overcome.

The Sanctuary Course equips workplaces as they seek to become places where people with mental health challenges feel safe, supported, and a sense of belonging. Designed as a study guide for small groups, the course offers participants the opportunity to redefine their understanding of mental health, learn about various experiences of mental illness, consider the impact of stigma, explore the process of recovery, discover the importance of companionship, reflect on the experience of caregiving, and examine self-care practices.

Each session is accompanied by a compelling film that features the story of a Christian with lived experience of a mental health challenge, along with the insights of church leaders, theologians, and mental health professionals.
      Sanctuary Course 3

The course itself is a series of videos designed to be used by small groups which are perfect for Christian Workplace Groups and indeed, the whole organisation.

Read more about the course here: 
The Sanctuary Course - Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries

You can view the course videos here: The Sanctuary Course: Supporting Mental Health in UK Churches on Vimeo

Perhaps prayerfully consider approaching management and asking whether you can run the course for the whole organisation or in your Christian Workplace Group during mental health awareness week? 

This resource could be a real blessing to your organisation and could even help change somebody's life for the better. 

Contact for a chat about how our resources could be used in your workplace.

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