The Parenting Course
What has a Parenting Children's Course got to do with Christian Workplace Groups?
It is always great to hear of the exciting things workplace groups are up to, and this account from Wessex Water Christian Group is no exception. Hugh, our south-west ambassador, spoke with Matt Wheeldon, who helps lead the group, about a recent initiative.
Wessex Water Christian Group ran a parenting children course on site during the lunch hour. It is a course written by Holy Trinity Brompton and was delivered by a member of their local church. The course contains the usual things you might expect in a parenting course but specifically advice on building strong foundations, love in action, setting boundaries and building character. The course is designed to be suitable for both those with and without faith, and contains some input with a Christian bias in the final week.
Matt says that the turn-out was around 15 people with a 50/50 mix of faith and non-faith attendees, and that it has been well received by those attending. The group sought permission from management to run this course for all staff after hearing that a few colleagues were having serious parenting issues with no one to turn too. This is an excellent example of a Christian Workplace Group meeting the needs of colleagues and being a tangible benefit for the organisation as a whole. It is also wonderful to see the local church supporting the work of a local business through the Christian Workplace Group.
Find out more about the HTB course.
| An educational course to help colleagues understand the Christian faith. |
| A ministry that seeks to equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs, business leaders, influencers to do business as ministry. |
| Another way for colleagues enquiring about Christianity to discover Jesus through DVD and discussion. |
| DVD series which explores whether belief in God is compatible with science, or just an act of faith? |
| 8-part DVD series for Christians who want to make a difference ‘on their frontline’ |
| Transform Work have partnered with our Associate Anne de Leyser from Local Houses of Prayer (LHOP) to bring you a framework she developed for speaking blessings over your workplace or sphere of influence. |
| As a Christian Workplace Group, God might be leading you into a greater emphasis on prayer for each other, your colleagues and your place of work. |
| How can the workplace become a place where individuals living with mental health challenges feel safe, supported, and a sense of belonging? |
| Digging deeping to discover that God is really interested in your actual work. It matters to him. |