Before you move forward as a Christian Workplace Group and decide what you might want to do either as an individual or as a group, it’s important to understand your work environment. Find out if there are any faith initiatives already existing in your organisation. Here are one or two things you should check out.
Are there any more like-minded Christians in the Workplace? If you don’t know, try to find out. Initially this might be simply by word of mouth.
Has the organisation set up a faith prayer room? If there is one, who uses it and how often? Is it available to you?
Is there as multi-faith forum in the organisation? If you don’t know, you may want to check with your human resources department.
Does your organisation have an appointed chaplain? If there is one, engage him/her in your discussions.
Does your organisation have staff support networks? If it does, find out which networks exist.
Once you know a bit more about what exists in your workplace, you can begin to plan what you would like your Group to do.
Most organisations support a range of staff groups within their diversity framework. This usually includes groups for black and minority ethnic people; people with disabilities; women; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. There is no reason why there shouldn’t also be a formally recognised staff group for Christians.
If your organisation does not have staff support networks, do not let that put you off. There is no reason why you cannot be the first. Do contact Transform Work whose team will be able to help you address this issue.
Share the information gathered above with the other Christians you work with. Make notes about what you should do next,then get together, and pray about it.
Download the FREE booklet and work through this with your new group as it describes some of the practical steps that you can take.
We would love to support & equip you on this journey, please email us at or use our contact us form.