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28 Prayer Points for Your Workplace


View these prayer points as a PDF

Select prayer points relevant to your organisation. You can pray these on your own or why not find other Christians in your workplace and pray them through together?

Type the name of your workplace here to personalise the prayer points:

Type your workplace values here to personalise the prayer points:
e.g. respect, integrity, service, excellence, stewardship

  1. For God's vision and purpose to be at the heart of all that happens within your workplace.
  2. For the Christian heritage of your workplace (if you have them) to be strengthened and continue to bear fruit.
  3. For your workplace's values – list them here e.g. respect, integrity, service, excellence, stewardship to embody all we do.
  4. For God's peace and hope to saturate every workplace globally.
  5. For strength for those in stressful and demanding roles, particularly senior leaders carrying the weight of company direction and other strategic decisions.
  6. For the leadership to lead with courage and wisdom, and to be energised by their roles within your workplace.
  7. For the wellbeing, guidance and support for those in very senior roles so they do not carry the burden alone; for timely refreshing through leave and family support.
  8. For managers at every level to build, strengthen and support each team member effectively.
  9. For every colleague to feel valued and empowered, resulting in a 'can do' approach.
  10. For colleagues to take pride in their role in your workplace and seek to be the best they can be.
  11. For a healthy work / life balance at every level; for greater awareness and use of dynamic working to restore and promote health and wellbeing. Acts 17:28 In him we live and move and have our being.
  12. For strengthening family relationships and quality time together.
    Behold, how good and pleasant it is
     when brothers dwell in unity!
    It is like the precious oil on the head,
     running down on the beard,
    on the beard of Aaron,
     running down on the collar of his robes!
    It is like the dew of Hermon,
     which falls on the mountains of Zion!
    For there the Lord has commanded the blessing,
     life forevermore.
    Psalm 133, ESV
  13. For relationships across your workplace to be genuine, built on empathy and trust. 1 Peter 3:8 Be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.
  14. For colleagues to be solution-focussed and divinely inspired with innovative ideas. Daniel 2.
  15. For the continuation of stakeholder relationships to be built on integrity and respect.
  16. For your workplace to continue to impact positively on individuals and communities.
  17. For wisdom in decision making, particularly when considering customers/clients, and developing new products.
  18. For an ethical approach to saturate all our activities, and for God's blessing for doing things the right way.
  19. For an approach that is counter-cultural to ‘city’ business and puts the vulnerable and weak on our agenda for additional care and attention.
  20. For a genuinely customer-centric ethos across your workplace.
  21. For increasing commitment by colleagues to environmental concerns and other stewardship issue.
  22. For your workplace to be acclaimed in the media for our genuine desire and action to make a significant positive difference in every sphere in which we do business.
  23. For the heart of every Christian in your workplace to be stirred up to serve and bless our colleagues with the grace and compassion we have experienced through Jesus.
  24. To encourage the Christian Workplace Group in your workplace to nurture and strengthen each believer to be salt and light in their workplace.
  25. For restoration and revival of the global 'church' – God's family – across your workplace.
  26. For your workplace to flourish and prosper in a Godly Way.
  27. For the fact that God gave us the skills to do our job and that our skills improve to the glory of God.
  28. Give thanks for the sense of purpose work gives us and pray for our colleagues whose only way they can define themselves is through their work.


More Workplace Prayer Resources during Thy Kingdom Come

Click On These Videos to Pray For The Specific Sector
Workplace leaders have pre-recorded prayers for their specific sectors. Why not watch and pray along with them? Please do share these with your church and prayer networks.
Testimonies When People Pray 
Listen to these workplace testimonies and be encouraged. If you have a testimony please email us your video or story so we can share with others.

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