Chelmsford City Council Christian Fellowship 24/7 Prayer
Transform Work received the following recently from the leader of the Chelmsford City Council Christian Fellowship:
The Chelmsford City Council Christian Fellowship (CCCCF) were contacted recently by Dave Gilbert, who established the Chelmsford branch of 24/7 Prayer, the international prayer movement. Dave has a vision to open a 24-7 Christian Prayer Centre in the City of Chelmsford.
One of Dave’s first initiatives was to organise a week of 24/7 prayer for 22-28 March. The CCCCF agreed to dedicate their regular meeting on 25th March to prayer.
Dave sent us a prayer focus list, and three of us began by reading Psalm 24 reminding ourselves that the “earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”. We then chose prayer topics and the hour fell neatly in to five slots of about ten minutes as we prayed together for the city and it’s people.
We particularly prayed for our elected representatives as the local and general election approaches - the prison, it’s inmates, their families and those who minister there; all those who come to Chelmsford for the nightlife, and the work of the street pastors; the work of the healthcare services especially the regional hospital at Broomfield; the success of the 24/7 initiative and all those who minister within the town, especially the leadership of the Cathedral. As we prayed we remembered a special meeting that was taking place in the High Street to advertise the 24/7 initiative.
Our time together was soon over and as I returned to my desk I felt a sense of the Holy Spirit at work.
| In the Armed Forces’ Christian Union, God has laid it on our hearts to pray for the extension of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in and through the Armed Forces of the UK and internationally. |
| The CWG in Chelmsford City Council work with Prayer 24/7 in holding a day of prayer for the town of Chelmsford |
| Workplace leaders have pre-recorded prayers for their specific sectors. Why not watch and pray along with them? Please do share these with your church and prayer networks. |
| Remember that it is important to keep your managers and HR involved in what you are doing. In most cases your prayer activities and the means by which you advertise them will require permission from senior managers and HR. |
| Our brother Raffaele from Transform Work Italy shares about life with the Coronavirus. Lets keep praying. |
| A simple and attractive way of offering to pray for staff, used within Network Rail - a bright red postbox. Prayer requests are prayed over at the CWG's weekly meeting |
| In the last 31 years as a paramedic I've never seen colleagues scared before... |
| In the next of his series on building a successful Christian Workplace Group, Adrian Miles looks at prayer, which should be at the heart of all the group does |
| Frequently an organisation has Christian groups that meet in buildings in different locations, often some distance from one another. Conference calls are a great way to keep connected across the organisation. |
| Let's follow Haringey Council Christian Workplace Groups example in heading to the 'Prayer Gym' to tone up our spiritual muscles regularly! |
| Set up a facility for anyone within the organisation/workplace to request prayer for any issues they would like. |
| Generally prayer walks can be used when you are praying for the organisation, for the work that goes on there, and for its employees. I |
| Why not use these points when you next meet together as a Christian Workplace Group. Lee also suggests to read and meditate on the following Psalm |
| When praying in the group, it is especially important that the different Christian traditions represented by group members are respected and reflected in how you pray. |