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Multi / Inter Faith - An Introduction

TW Multi-Faith NetworkAccording to google searches...

 What does multi faith mean?
: involving, relating to, or made up of people of more than one religion

To be multifaith is to feel an affinity with aspects of more than one religion, philosophy or world-view, or to believe that none of them is superior to the others.

What is the meaning of interfaith?
: involving persons of different religious faiths.

Interfaith dialogue refers to cooperative, constructive, and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions (i.e. "faiths") and/or spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional levels. It is distinct from syncretism (the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought) or alternative religion, in that dialogue often involves promoting understanding between different religions or beliefs to increase acceptance of others, rather than to synthesize new beliefs.

As adjectives the difference between interfaith and multifaith is that interfaith is involving members of different religions while multifaith is feeling an affinity with aspects of more than one religion, philosophy or world-view, and to believe that no one is superior to the others.

What has inter or multi faith forum got to do with work?

An organisation may start a multi / inter faith forum or faith network in response to the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that all faiths are equally represented in the workplace.

Multi faith forums and faith networks can provide the ideal opportunity to create a Christian group. A number of Christian groups have great working relationships with the multi faith forums in their organisations such as Rolls Royce, Network Rail the Cabinet Office… 

Key objectives of a Faith Network

  1. Support the Board’s commitment to the Diversity and Inclusion legislation and agenda with respect to faith; in particular, ensuring that the company’s policies and practices do not discriminate against any faiths
  2. Empower employees to be open and honest about their faith and to bring the whole of themselves to work
  3. Educate staff with a better understanding of different faiths, how these influence approach to work and how individuals of faith can best be supported 


Christians in Royal Bank of Scotland Step Out in Faith 
The Christians Workplace Group in Royal Bank of Scotland organised an interfaith panel discussion. It turned out to be a thought-provoking look at the factors shaping both individuals' morals and the company values
Faith Friendly Workplaces
On Monday 16th January 2023, faith representatives from Thames Water, OVO Energy, Rolls-Royce met at the University of Derby Multi-Faith Centre (MFC).
Faith Friendly Workplaces
Faith networks are often badly supported or missing completely from an organisation's Diversity policy! Here's our response...
Holy Water - Faith Rooms for Staff at Thames Water
Thames Water recognise the benefits of providing facilities for Christians and followers of other religions who work for the company, and are providing 'faith rooms' at various locations in the workplace
Models for a Faith Network  
Multi faith forums and faith networks can provide the ideal opportunity to create a Christian group.
Multi / Inter Faith FAQs 
Do let us know if you have any other questions to add to this list
Multi/Inter Faith Network – Case Studies
Multi faith forums - Obstacle or Opportunity?

Articles to view:

Should Christians Engage with Multi- Faith?
The challenge comes with organisations choosing to recognise a Multi-Faith group rather than specific faith groups...
Models for a Faith Network  
Multi faith forums and faith networks can provide the ideal opportunity to create a Christian group.
Multi/Inter Faith Network – Case Studies
Multi faith forums - Obstacle or Opportunity?
Multi / Inter Faith FAQs 
Do let us know if you have any other questions to add to this list
Why Engage With Your Interfaith Week?
At Transform Work we get asked, "why do you encourage Christians to engage in Interfaith Week?"
What a great opportunity to share the heartbeat of Christianity at work!
Why would you not want to get involved and make new friends with people of other faiths and non. Take the opportunity to share the good news that Jesus Loves everyone so much that he died for us so we can live eternally. It's amazing.
Holy Water - Faith Rooms for Staff at Thames Water
Thames Water recognise the benefits of providing facilities for Christians and followers of other religions who work for the company, and are providing 'faith rooms' at various locations in the workplace
Workplace Groups: Should People from Other Faiths be Part of your Christian Workplace Group?
Building a Christian Workplace Group: Should People from Other Faiths be Part of your Christian Workplace Group?

Planning your Visit