Support For Christians In Government
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Hi, I'm Carol Porter and I'm an Ambassador with Transform Work which seeks to encourage and resource Christian Workplace group leaders. I retired recently from the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office where I led the Christian Fellowship, so I have a special interest in central government groups.
Sue White and Alan Bowden have also recently retired from the civil service and have started as Ambassadors with Transform Work with a similar interest. We're collaborating with the professional and sector group called Christians In Government to provide continued support for Christian workplace groups in government.
As a team we will be available to advise individual group leaders - for example, gain management support by using the right structures, use internal comms well, find ideas, resources and inspiration, and meet challenges. We are also available to listen to what the group issues are and we will try to help and of course pray for those groups. So please pray for us as we start our new adventure with Transform Work.
You can find us on the Ambassador page if you would like to get in touch, just click here to connect.