Carol Service at Sefton Council
It's great to receive the perspective of an employer on the presence of a Christian Workplace Group in the organisation. Here, Margaret Carney, Sefton Council Chief Executive, gives her perspective on the carol service organised last Christmas by the Christian Workplace Group at the council:
The Christian Workplace Group at Sefton has been formally recognised by the Council since August 2015. As with other workplace groups I recognise the benefits which the Christian group brings to Sefton Council including their positive attitude to other staff and to the Council as an organisation. My support for this group reflects Sefton Council’s commitment to diversity in the workplace.
The group got in touch with me in November 2016 to discuss the idea of
holding a joint carol service with the Health and Safety Executive whose offices are close to where Sefton Council is based in Bootle. They asked my advice on whether to invite the senior management, staff and Members of the Council to the carol service. I thought this was an excellent idea and offered my support.
I couldn’t remember the last time we had an official Council carol concert and it was lovely to see the attractively designed posters advertising the service around the Council buildings and to see invitations to the event on the staff intranet. Council and other public sector staff have faced some tough times recently and the opportunity to come together and enjoy a time of reflection and celebration was wonderful.
I was delighted to be able to host the event in Bootle Town Hall and to take part personally. The carol service was uplifting with a mix of seasonal readings, carols and a short talk. About 60 employees, family and elected Members came along and many stayed afterwards to enjoy mulled wine and mince pies. I sincerely hope this turns out to be an annual event.