Re-launch of the Southwark Borough Council Christian Workplace Group

We received this report recently from the leaders of the Christian Group in Southwark Borough Council:
Just to bring you some good news regarding our fellowship here at Southwark Council.
Following a few years of inactivity as a group due to centralisation, Southwark staffs' Christian Forum was formally resurrected on 23 March just before Easter. As part of this re-launch, our intranet page was updated (including a link to Transform Work UK) and all staff informed that we aim to bring the Christian staff community together on a regular basis to read the Bible, pray and offer support to one another and that the group is open to people of all faiths and none.
At Easter, representatives of the forum handed out mini eggs and Easter tracts, raffled a couple of Christian books, and offered support via a prayer box. As a result, we now have over 70 staff on our distribution list and hold lunchtime prayer meetings on two sites. A year ago, the list was 7 so we give thanks to God and His perfect timing.
Please pray God’s blessing on the future of the fellowship and that we live out the gospel.